
The Access page is where you can view and manage access privileges for People in your organization.

The Access page will only show if you are a Monarch, a Product Expert or a Manager.

The Access page has two modes, Expert mode or Manager Mode. If you are a Monarch or a Product Expert both modes will be available to you. If you are a Manager only the Manager Mode will be available to you.

Manager Mode

Manager Mode allows you to view and manage the access privileges of people you manage. The people whom you manage is set in the People section of Rulerr.

Expert Mode

There are four sections in Expert Mode:

  1. Products
  2. People
  3. Roles
  4. Requests


The Products section is where you can view the access privileges of all the products your organization uses. Before products show in the Products section of Access, they must be Integrated with Rulerr by aMonarch or Rulerr Product Expert.

If you are a Product Expert, you will see a list of the Products you are a Product Expert of. If you are a Monarch, you will see a list of all Products your organization uses.

For each Product you are able to view the People who have access to the Product and Accounts within the product.

When you click on the People number, you will be shown a list of people who have access to the product.

When you click on the Accounts number, you will be shown a list of accounts within the product.

Search for products

To search for a product or products with similar details:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Products within the Access page
  3. in the search bar type the product or other details about it

Rulerr will start searching as soon as you start typing.

Filter products

To filter products:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Products within the Access page
  3. click on the Filter icon at the top of each column and select the options you would like to see.

Sort products

To sort products:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Products within the Access page
  3. click on the top of each column to sort by that column (ascending/descending)

Edit Products

Rulerr offers two options to edit a Products options

Edit products individually

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Products within the Access page
  3. click the Product you wish to edit - you will be taken to the Product's details page
  4. edit the details of the Product
  5. click the save button

Edit many products

You can edit the options of many products at once using the following steps:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Products within the Access page
  3. click the export button
  4. update the details of the products you want to edit in the exported csv file (save your changes)
  5. click the import button on the Products tab
  6. select the csv file you just edited and also select Update on the import screen
  7. click the import button

All the Products on your csv will have their options changed to whatever they are in the csv file.

Product Integration

Manual Integration

For Products that are Manually integrated with Rulerr, you will need to import the access privileges for this product. When you import access privileges you can import them in the context of People.

You do not need to do this for Products that have the integration type of On-Premise or Cloud as access privileges are reported in real time.

To import access privileges:

  1. Export the access privileges from the Product
  2. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  3. click Products within the Access page
  4. click the import button
  5. select the csv containing the access privileges you exported from the product
  6. click import csv - the csv will upload to Rulerr and you will be able to view it
  7. select import - you will be shown progress of the import
  8. Once the import is complete, you can then link accounts in the product to people in Rulerr.

The access privileges will now be imported into Rulerr - all previous access privileges will be removed from Rulerr.

To keep access privileges up to date in Rulerr, you will need to import them regularly.

You can change the integration type from Manual to Automatic at any time, by following the instructions here

Once you have integrated a product with Rulerr, you will need to link accounts in the Product to People in Rulerr. This allows you to match accounts in the Product to People in Rulerr and track "who has access to what". You need to do this no matter what type of integration (Manual, On-Premise, Cloud) you have chosen for the product.

Learn more about integrations here

Product Options

Once a product has been integrated with Rulerr it will become available in the Product section of the Access Tab. Any product can be integrated with Rulerr, to learn more about integrating a product with Rulerr see here.


When someone views theirs or others access in Rulerr, they will be able to see all products you have added to Rulerr (even if they do not have access to those products). If you do not want this to occur for a specific product, you can set a product to be hidden.

Access privileges detail

You can select the level of access privilege detail reported for each Product:

  1. Basic
  2. Roles
  3. Complex


Can access (yes) or cannot access (no). Great for people who need a birds eye view of access privileges or people who just need to see an overview of who has access to what.


Roles make access privileges easier to understand and manage, especially for non technical people. Some Products your organization uses may already use Roles (Rulerr makes use of Roles).

For an explanation of how Roles makes access privileges easier to understand and manage, go here


For people who understand complex access privileges or require complex access privileges you may wish to report the Products full access privilege matrix.

Some products work best with complex access privilege reporting:

  1. Document/File sharing, as this allows you to see who has access to different files/folders.


The People section of the Access page is where you can view the number of products a person has access to.

When you click on the Product number, you will be shown a list of products a person has access to.

Search for people

To search for a person or people with similar details:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click People within the Access page
  3. in the search bar type the role or other details about them

Rulerr will start searching as soon as you start typing.

Filter people

To filter people:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click People within the Access page
  3. click on the Filter icon at the top of each column and select the options you would like to see.

Sort People

To sort people:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click People within the Access page
  3. click on the top of each column to sort by that column (ascending/descending)


The Roles section of the Access page is where you can view the Roles within every product you are a Product Expert of.

For each Role you are able to drill down and view the people who have this role.

When you click on the People number, you will be shown a list of people who have this role.

If you have yet to read about Roles and how much easier they make access management, go here. Rulerr uses Roles to make access management as easy as possible. See here to learn more about Rulerr Roles

Search for roles

To search for a role or roles with similar details:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Roles within the Access page
  3. in the search bar type the role or other details about them

Rulerr will start searching as soon as you start typing.

Filter roles

To filter roles:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Roles within the Access page
  3. click on the Filter icon at the top of each column and select the options you would like to see.

Sort roles

To sort roles:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Roles within the Access page
  3. click on the top of each column to sort by that column (ascending/descending)

Tag roles

To better help you classify different roles within a product, you can tag them. This is especially useful for Roles that have admin privileges as you can tag these roles and then be able to search for these tags across multiple products.

To tag roles:

  1. click Access at the top of Rulerr
  2. click Roles within the Access page
  3. click the edit icon on role you wish to tag - a pop-up will show
  4. add your tags - you can add as many as you like, just separate them with a comma.

Once you add tags to a Role, when you search, you will be able to search for these tags.


If you are an Product Expert, when people within your organization raise an access change request, these requests will show here. If you are an Access Approver, any access change requests will show in the notifications section of your Dashboard